Welcome! We are a United Methodist Church located at 6017 Camphor St. in Metairie, in the Airline Park neighborhood.
St. Matthew’s was established in 1957 with 126 charter members.
Welcome! We are a United Methodist Church located at 6017 Camphor St. in Metairie, in the Airline Park neighborhood.
St. Matthew’s was established in 1957 with 126 charter members.
We have two worship services on Sunday mornings. Our 9 AM service is traditional with organ, choir, handbells, and songs out of the hymnal. Our 11:15 AM service is contemporary, led by our band.
Both services are streamed on Facebook (here) or YouTube (here) and can be watched live or later as time allows.
For more information about our church, or if you have specific questions about our ministries, please contact us in any of the following ways: